
One of the greatest parts of any adventure is sharing the story around the fire afterwards.

Seeing is believing.

  • Dream it.

    For some it is dreams of summits and conquest, for others it is simply a weekend adventure on a remote lake or a hike along a not yet explored trailhead. Backcountry camping or cross country bike trip. No adventure is too big or too small to create memories that could last a lifetime. Dream it up and then make it happen!

  • Live it.

    From planning to fruition, your story began as an idea and became an adventure. The pinnacle of that adventure, that summit conquered, may be a fleeting moment, but it’s memory can inspire the planning of the adventures ahead.

  • Share it.

    The adventure may be over, but the story can live on forever. Having a professional film crew document your adventure so that you can spend your time immersed in it will leave you with a story that you can SHOW your friends. That night around the campfire is going to be fun!

Get to the Choppa!

Heli skiing in the backcountry of the Cascades, the Alps of the Pacific Northwest, is probably a once in a lifetime experience. With a film crew along to catch all the highlights, it is a memory that can be re-lived and shared for many years to come.

Capturing Memories as they happen

A simple hike with the kiddos can become a time-capsule of wonderful time of life. Capturing a memory that you can return to over and over again and one day share with future generations. A new take on home videos, turning the ordinary into cinema.